BCUC Site C Inquiry 300 pages, $15+$10 shipping
We now have printed and bound copies ready of the British Columbia Utilities Commission’s final report on their inquiry into the planned Site C Dam. For those of you who are following this inquiry, you probably know that the executive summary and final report were released on November 1, and that the 300-page PDF is available online. Not everybody wants to read a complex document on their screen, so we’re doing what we did with the Downtown Eastside Local Area Plan and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission report: you can drop by and get a copy on a pay-what-you-can basis, or order one from us online for $15 plus $10 shipping (and if you want several copies, contact us directly at psvancouver@publicationstudio.biz and we’ll work something out).
BCUC Site C Inquiry 300 pages, $15+$10 shipping