Three Zines about Direct Action

This week: three zines about direct action. These are all open-copyright publications that discuss movements or strategies that function outside of electoral, regulatory, and legal systems to seek justice. Standing on the Land to Stand Up Against Pipelines was published in 2013 by the Unist’ot’ten Camp; Fuck Abuse in 2018; and What Will it Take to Stop the Police from Killing? was published this year. All three can be downloaded freely from the website, but the first eight people who can tell us (email to is good) they have made a minimum $10 donation to the Unist’ot’ten Camp will get a custom-made hard copy set of them, with surprise extras thrown in. The camp’s website is at Even if you don’t want the zines, donate anyway!

Saddle-stitched booklets, 5.5×8.5″, 28 pages, 16 pages, 16 pages.